HIS actually stands for Hightech Information System Ltd which is a bit of a mouthful and has been shorted to….you guessed it, HIS. They were founded in 1987 with an ethos to manufacture and create some of the best quality components you have ever seen! They are an all AMD brand so they have authority from AMD to produce 1 st tier products for the green coloured giants quite a lot of companies have gone this way over recent times too.

So to give you the general gist of whom HIS actually are.

With the newly released NVIDIA “Maxwell” cards taking up everyone’s attention, what about the gamer on a budget? Ok I did take a look at the MSI GTX 970 and it was a fantastic card problem is, it costs £280 so what is there out there on the market who doesn’t quite have the spending power desired to pick up a newly released card? Well HIS and AMD might just have the solution in the way of their R9 280 graphics card.