Makemkv how to tell what title to keep
Makemkv how to tell what title to keep

makemkv how to tell what title to keep makemkv how to tell what title to keep

Unfortunately, there's no way of knowing what's what, so to speak, correct? I mean when I get (2) files around 23 and 25 gigs, it's obvious both will contain the main title, but what's with the 2 additional gigs? Still, there sure seems to be a lot of them, even with the aforementioned considered. Now, I'm assuming this is because some have bonus material: directors cuts, deleted scenes, etc. When I open a BD with Makemkv I (sometimes) see about a bazillion "titles". I don't really need or want menus- but I'd like to be able to skip chapter using F> andġ. Simply using makemkv to make rips of the main title and hopefully- just the forced subtitles.

Makemkv how to tell what title to keep